Publications on Merovingian archaeology

On this page you can find PDF files of and links to publications on Merovingian archaeology by the Leiden University team and our international colleagues.

Publications by the Rural Riches Project


Co-financing by the Rural Riches Project:

Annaert, R., 2018: Het vroegmiddeleeuwse grafveld van Broechem. The early medieval cemetery of Broechem. Analyse/Analyses, Bonn (Merovingian archaeology in the Low Countries 5).


Theuws, F., 2019: Burial archaeology and the transformation of the Roman world in northern Gaul (4th to 6th centuries), in: S. Brather-Walter (ed.), 2019: Archaeology. History and Biosciences. Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Berlin De Gruyter (Ergänzungsbände zum reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde 107), 125-150. ISBN 9783110616651 DOI:

Theuws, F., 2019: Merovingian settlements in the southern Netherlands: development, social organisation of production and symbolic topography, in: J. Haberstroh/I. Heitmeier (eds.), 2019: Gründerzeit. Siedlung in Bayern zwischen Spätantike und Frühmittelalter, St. Ottilien EOS Verlag (Bayerische Landesgeschichte und europäische regionalgeschichte Band 3), 355-382. ISBN 978-3-8306-7941-7

Van Wersch, L./L. Verslype/D. Strivay/F. Theuws (eds.), 2019: Early medieval tesserae in north-western Europe (VIth-Xth century), Material, techniques and exchanges, Proceedings of the international workshop, La Paix-Dieu, Amay, March 2015, Bonn (Merovingian archaeology in the Low Countries 6).

Theuws, F., 2019: Het vroegmiddeleeuwse grafveld and Bijlage 1 Catalogus middeleeuwse graven/Catalogue medieval graves, in S. Knippenberg/F. Theuws, 2019: Wonen en begraven in Uden. Opgravingen van een Merovingisch grafveld en middeleeuwse nederzetting langs de Schepersweg, gemeente Uden, Leiden (Archol-rapport 428), 41-113, 227-379.


Lippok, F.E., 2020: The pyre and the grave: early medieval cremation burials in the Netherlands, the German Rhineland and Belgium, World Archaeology 52.1, 147-162. DOI:

Theuws, F., 2020: Long-distance trade and the Rural population of Northern Gaul, in B. Effros/I. Moreira (eds), 2020: The Oxford Handbook of the Merovingian World, Oxford, 883-915.

Theuws, F., 2020: Vreemd volk uit Geldrop. Het graf van een man met een exotisch gordelgarnituur uit circa 680 na Chr., in V.T. van Vilsteren/J.R. Beuker/P.W. van den Broeke/E.M. Theunissen (eds), 2020: Overpeinzingen op een vuilnisbelt. Liber amicorum aangeboden aan Wijnand van der Sanden ter gelegenheid van zijn afscheid als conservator bij het Drents Museum, Groningen, 190-204.


Co-financing by the Rural Riches project:

De Bruin, J./C. Bakels/F. Theuws (eds.), 2021: Oegstgeest. A riverine settlement in the early medieval world system, Bonn (Merovingian Archaeology in the Low Countries 7).

Langbroek, M., 2021: Beads and beadmaking in the early medieval settlement of Oegstgeest, in J. de Bruin/C. Bakels/F. Theuws (eds), 2021: Oegstgeest. A riverine settlement in the early medieval world system, Bonn (Merovingian Archaeology in the Low Countries 7), 278-293.

Lippok, F., 2021: The early medieval graves of Oegstgeest, in J. de Bruin/C. Bakels/F. Theuws (eds), 2021: Oegstgeest. A riverine settlement in the early medieval world system, Bonn (Merovingian Archaeology in the Low Countries 7), 84-107.

Theuws, F., 2021: The metal objects and metal craft-related finds from the Merovingian settlement, in J. de Bruin/C. Bakels/F. Theuws (eds), 2021: Oegstgeest. A riverine settlement in the early medieval world system, Bonn (Merovingian Archaeology in the Low Countries 7), 236-261.

Theuws, F./J. de Bruin/E.J. Bult, 2021: Oegstgeest, a riverine settlement in the early medieval world system, in J. de Bruin/C. Bakels/F. Theuws (eds), 2021: Oegstgeest. A riverine settlement in the early medieval world system, Bonn (Merovingian Archaeology in the Low Countries 7), 426-463.

Van Wersch, L., 2021: Glass, in J. de Bruin/C. Bakels/F. Theuws (eds), 2021: Oegstgeest. A riverine settlement in the early medieval world system, Bonn (Merovingian Archaeology in the Low Countries 7), 274-277.

Publications from previous projects